This doesn't make you feel good

In Canada, obesity is rampant, that much will soon become clear. It is actually almost as bad as in the United States - another country that is known for this.

You can safely assume that this is mainly due to poor eating habits and insufficient exercise.

There are many people in Canada who pretend that no one cares about the unhealthy lifestyle. Oh well, that's just the way it is. But there are also many people who are constantly fighting against it. The gym and diet clubs are working overtime and have been for a long time.

The unhealthy lifestyle has an impact on healthcare, which is put under an extra heavy burden.

Canadezen eten vaak te veel en ongezond en hebben soms niet genoeg lichaamsbeweging.

But why eat so badly? And why so little exercise?

Most Canadian supermarkets stock up on salty snacks, sugary drinks, cookies and other unhealthy items.

However, if you go looking for fresh fruit, fresh vegetables or even good bread, it becomes difficult. What you find is often wilted and expensive but it is also often simply not available.

When you go out to eat or visit people, it is often the same. Fried food is in great demand. But when you are really looking for something healthy, it can be difficult and strangely enough often more expensive.

You will also notice that the portions are usually absurdly large.

Very few Canadians play sports. There are few facilities such as swimming pools and sports fields.

Daily exercise is avoided as much as possible by most Canadians. The car culture probably has something to do with it. Everyone drives to a destination. Walking is often impossible. And cycling is often a risky business.

It is contagious to avoid exercise. If everyone around you was active, wouldn't you be more active yourself?


Acting healthy, in Canada

Of course it is possible to live a lot healthier in Canada, but that can quickly become expensive.

That convenience serves man, Canadians know all too well. And that this leads to a sedentary existence with little exercise, is something that few really worry about.

Unfortunately, many Canadians have few choices when it comes to their transportation methods. Cars are often the only way to get around.

Canadian car culture
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