
If you were born in Canada, you are automatically Canadian for life. Even if you have become Canadian, you retain that nationality, even if you no longer live in Canada. Incidentally, you can also have become Canadian if you have a parent who is Canadian. This is true even, with some restrictions, if you were born outside of Canada.

Aan het hebben van de Canadese nationaliteit zitten bepaalde voordelen.
Aan het hebben van een Europese nationaliteit zitten vaak aantrekkelijke voordelen.


The rules regarding citizenship in European countries are sometimes complicated and they are not the same in all countries of the Union.

The rule of thumb is that you have European citizenship if at least one of your parents also had it.

However, you can lose it, for example if you voluntarily acquire Canadian citizenship.

Dual nationality

There are countries where it is sometimes looked at strangely if you have more than one nationality. Yet it can happen. A good example is someone who has parents of different nationalities.

In Canada, keeping another nationality is not a problem at all. The country has been used to it for a long time.

In some European countries, the concept of dual nationality is also becoming more normal.

However, it is definitely worth a thorough investigation to see whether you may also have dual nationality.

The rule of thumb is that if you can get a passport from a country, you are a citizen. But you can also be a citizen of a country if you have never had a passport from it. Or if it has long since expired.

Velen hebben graag een dubbele nationaliteit maar dat mag niet in alle gevallen.
Het bezitten van een extra nationaliteit kan soms handig wezen.


There are interesting advantages to holding more than one nationality. For example, you are always welcome in that country. After all, you can always come home.

As a citizen you are entitled to certain consular services. Sometimes this can be important.

As a citizen, you can also pass on this privilege to the next generation.

Furthermore, there are conceivable cases where you could get an easier border crossing somewhere with a certain passport.

Do you know now?

It is absolutely essential that you realize which nationality(ies) you possess. If in doubt, it is a good idea to ask quickly.

If you ask the Consulate in writing, you will have some evidence in your hands. But it often takes a long time before you hear anything back.

Wie meer dan een nationaliteit heeft, die kan daar voordeel van hebben

Two passports can be useful

The dual nationality

How and when do you qualify for two passports? What are the advantages? Are there any disadvantages?

Read here an experience report from someone who had to go through all the steps.

Traveling with no less than two passports

Moving without a passport

Losing your Dutch nationality

If you voluntarily became Canadian, you probably lost your Dutch nationality.

Read here an experience report from someone who found a solution.

Traveling without a passport

Experiences of others

All kinds of considerations

Anyone who has lived in two countries might have some interesting stories. We have gathered some.

Read here about the different experiences of emigrants who were or were not successful.

More stories on the BLOG pages

On to Canada!

Anyone who visits Canada will be impressed. What a beautiful, spacious and free country. It is good to be there.

Quite a few people would like to move to Canada. Emigrate, that is. That is possible for many and that may well be worth investigating.

This website provides you with a lot of background information about the possibility of better considering immigration to Canada.

Just take a look at

Emigrating to Canada may be worth considering! CLICK HERE
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