The reasons for leaving

"The best country in the world", why would you ever want to leave?

Anyone who leaves Canada again has their reasons for doing so. To be honest, it is often a number of reasons - not just one. The reasons you give are sometimes not even the most important reasons for leaving. Maybe you don't even know it yourself, it is more of a feeling. Many people simply find it difficult to describe exactly why they want to leave Canada again after a few years. Apart from homesickness or a longing for the old familiar, what are the reasons for leaving that we hear most often?

The most cited points why Canada doesn't seem that great after all...

All kinds of reasons

There are people who moved to Canada knowing in advance that it would only be for a certain number of years. Some of that group stayed; others left more or less according to plan.

A much heard deeper reason is that people are moving again for a job or a business activity. Sometimes they want to take care of a family member. Perhaps it is for the children to be able to attend another school.

There are plenty of reasons to stay or to go. Generally, when one leaves Canada, there are several reasons that have come together.

Er zijn verschillende redenen waarom mensen er toch voor kiezen weer uit Canada weg te trekken
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