Complaining about the climate

Almost everyone knows that Canada is a country with a pretty intense climate. Actually only a fairly small part of the country on the southern west coast escapes this dance.

It takes quite some adaptability to deal with severe cold and heavy snowfall. What comes with that, and many people often don't really know this in advance, is a sometimes stifling summer with temperatures that make the use of extensive air conditioning a given.

In gigantic Canada you can experience anything: extreme drought, high humidity, excessive rainfall, strong winds - almost all weather extremes are known in Canada.

Not everyone can really get used to that.

Je moet best taai zijn om je aan het Canadese klimaat te kunnen aanpassen.

Ultimately, anything is possible, even the most aggressive weather can be adapted to.

Even in heavy snowfall, life goes on. The snow plow makes short work of the misery. Cars with snow tires adjust the driving speed. It takes some getting used to, but eventually it works out.

Less pleasant is that the power often goes out in extreme weather conditions. If then also the water supply stops and the telephone no longer works, then it becomes quite annoying.

A common complaint is that the country is not sufficiently prepared for climate change. It is as if they are lagging behind the facts.

Every now and then it rains too much and then there are many floods because the facilities are not adequate.

However, it also happens that it does not rain for a long time and then all the reservoirs dry up. Maybe there is enough water in Canada but it is not in the right place. Almost nothing is done about these kinds of problems. If something is done, it is always only when the suffering has long since ended.

Other natural problems are frequent forest fires and insect plagues. Little is done to prevent these. There is a lot of erosion along the coasts - there is still nothing really done about it.

Adapting to the climate

You can partly adapt to the climate, if you want. The government can also respond to it, but that only happens to a limited extent in Canada because that costs money.

The infrastructure that could deal with the current climate is missing. They are not preparing for the coming possible climate change at all. We will see then!

Here is an article about the general state of infrastructure in Canada:

Poor infrastructure
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