Take a look here - we have a nice stock of articles about Canada. Read about the economy, the opportunities, the people, your chances of success and much more.
De artikels worden haast dagelijks deels ververst, dus deze pagina is wellicht een boekenlegger waard.
We hope you enjoy watching and reading. And welcome to Canada.
Welcome, welcome
Not only does Canada receive some 500,000 permanent immigrants each year, the country also has enormous appeal for temporary immigrants.
Hundreds of thousands also come to Canada on a study visa or a work visa, every year.
That, in itself, is no wonder. The country is growing fast, the economic situation is excellent and the possibilities are almost endless.
Population growth continues unabated while the country's diversity continues to increase.
What the country has to offer
The country is beautiful and spacious, almost everyone agrees. With mountains, forests, oceans and overwhelming nature, it can't really get boring.
Many immigrants move to the largest cities: Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and also Calgary. These are cities with millions of inhabitants that are particularly interesting for large groups of immigrants.
Others prefer smaller cities, villages or would rather be in the middle of nature. It is all possible.
Yes of course Canada is a fantastic country. The space, the nature, the endless possibilities, the friendly people - oh it is not difficult to go on and on about the positive aspects of the country.
There are so many books and websites that highlight the positive aspects of Canada. There is, in fact, little to add. That is not the intention of this website.
We look at the circumstances of people who did not make it in Canada, who eventually left again. In general, that departure was probably due to discomfort or dissatisfaction. That is what we want to know more about. Because what one person has experienced, another person may be able to learn from.
Anyone who doesn't like Canada is not crazy. As fantastic as the country is, it is not for everyone. This way, everyone can decide for themselves where they would most like to be. Here, there or somewhere else. Isn't that great, that kind of freedom?
Some pictures from Canada: on the right the city of Calgary.
Below are the Rocky Mountains, Victoria and Newfoundland.
It is not exactly difficult to point out things in Canada that are not really going so well. It could be better, one might say. But isn't that the case everywhere? Fortunately, you can always find things that could be done differently.
People often find it quite irritating when someone expresses dissatisfaction with local conditions, as they are. As a non-Canadian in Canada, you also encounter this, no matter how well-intentioned your remark may be. Canadians get annoyed when you say "something". It is usually better to keep your mouth shut.
There is some logic to this. Canadians have been raised with the belief that Canada is the best country in the world. Or maybe the only country in the world? Either way, it is the only country anyone would want to live in. The rest of the world is very scary to most Canadians.
People quickly think it's rude and ungrateful if you think you have something to say. But most of all, if you don't like it in Canada, then get lost. There are hundreds of thousands of others pushing in your place.
Here are some points that remigrating residents put forward as reasons for leaving Canada: SWITCH: Reasons for leaving.
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