Moving and friendships

When you move, it often means that your old friendships diminish and that you gain new ones.

That doesn't have to be a problem, except for the one fact that you've gotten a little older again - because then it is very different and perhaps a lot more difficult to really make new friends.

In another place (and especially in another country, with a different language) friendships are already different, including in Canada.

The loss of old friends and the resistance you experience in finding new friends are a stumbling block for some.

De vriendschappen liggen in Canada iets anders dan je gewend bent. Veel oppervlakkiger.

How are friendships in Canada different than elsewhere?

Can you say something meaningful about that?

For some it is easy to make new friends and for others it rarely works. There are superficial friendships and deep ones and everything in between with all the associated variations.

You will soon notice that friendships in Canada are often quite superficial. Most people seem to like it that way. Have a drink now and then, do something fun every now and then - but in-depth conversations and communicating feelings and thoughts are difficult or not possible at all.

You soon end up being unnecessarily difficult, so to speak, and few are interested in that. Prefer to do it nice and easy and airy. Just be cheerful and don't whine.

Canadians generally have relatively few interests and concerns. People prefer not to know anything about other cultures, countries and languages. If you continue to whine about things from somewhere else, you will soon be expelled.

However, if you're good at talking about money and the weather, you'll go a long way. And for heaven's sake, try to master that language well because many Canadians quickly lose attention when you have to search for words.

A Canadian would like to express his opinion about anything and everything. This quite often involves a form of black-and-white thinking. Adjusting to this can be quite a challenge.

Lonely and alone

Unless you end up in a group of like-minded people, you will soon find yourself the odd one out. Loneliness may then lurk.

Conviviality is different everywhere and that also applies to Canada. Adjusting to that can be difficult.

A move can be very disruptive, especially for people who leave a large group of friends and acquaintances behind. If you don't really succeed in finding new friends, you might start thinking about going back again.

Hopefully you will never have to deal with xenophobia. But it does exist, also in Canada.
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